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藍牙V2.1, V5.x無線RS-232, RS-422/485傳輸器
1. Bluetooth
1.1 Bluetooth V2.1 SPP, Class 1 (100m) - Peer to Peer
1.1.1 Bluetooth V2.0 Class 1 RS-232 adapter
Internal antenna Model:
External antenna Model: BT-232B-E
1.1.2 Bluetooth V2.1 Class 1 RS-232 adapter (DIP SW setting)
Internal antenna Model (Option): S2B2232I
External antenna Model: S2B2232E
Android Test APP
1.1.3 Available for BT-232B, BT-232B-E, S2B2232I, S2B2232E
Android Test APP
1.2 Bluetooth Low Energy V5.x Single mode BLE
1.2.1 BLE V5.0 RS-232 adapter
Internal antenna Model:
External antenna Model: S2B5232E
1.2.2 BLE V5.0 RS-422/485 adapter
Internal antenna Model:
External antenna Model: S2B5485E
Serial port Test APP: iOS & Androd
1.2.3 Android Test APP for the S2B5232I/E or S2B5485I/E
Android Configuration and Test APP
1.2.4 iOS Test APP for the S2B5232I/E or S2B5485I/E
iOS Configuration and Test APP
1.3 BLE iBeacon, Eddystone, TPMS Beacon Reader - Observer
1.3.1 BLE V5.0 RS-232 beacon reader, Support various sensors
Internal antenna Model:
External antenna Model: S2B5232R
1.3.2 BLE V5.0 RS-485 beacon reader, Support various sensors
Internal antenna Model:
External antenna Model: S2B5485R
1.3.3 Ceiling mounted BLE V5.0 beacon reader Gateway, Support
various sensors, WiFi/Ethernet, 4G (LTE), 5G, HaLow
Ceiling mounted type model:
Wall mounted type Model: RTLS-AP-W
1.3.4 Wall mounted BLE V5.0 beacon reader Gateway, Support
TPMS, WiFi/Ethernet, 4G (LTE), 5G, HaLow
Ceiling mounted type model:
Wall mounted type Model: RTLS-Sensor-W
1.4 Dual mode BLE (Bluetooth V2.1 SPP & V5.0 GATT)
1.4.1 Dual mode BLE RS-232 adapter (Battery option)
S2DB232E (External Ant.); S2DB232I (Internal Ant.)
1.4.2 Dual mode BLE RS-485 adapter (Battery option)
S2DB485E (External Ant.); S2DB485I (Internal Ant.)
藍牙包含傳統V2.1 SPP百米, 大資料量傳輸以及低功耗(BLE), BLE可支援所
有作業系統, 包含iOS, Android, Microsoft等, 用於省電產品或低資料量傳輸,
雙模(Dual mode)整合上述二種Profile, 運行時選擇一種功能連線, BLE支援透
傳(P2P)與BLE廣播訊號接收(Beacon reader), 另外可整合各式感測器